Göteborg, Whitby Community College:
Looking forward to a very happy week
2007-03-03 /

When the students from the Music profile of Nordhemsskolan in Goteborg go to Whitby, they are always looking forward to a fun and happy week. Sending them away is far from scary, despite Whitby’s history and local gothic fashion.
To be given the possibility to have exchange visits from another country must be regarded as a great opportunity to develop socially, musically and to learn new and exciting things. These three aspects of learning are ever present during the visits. I know this from personal experience, gathered during the previous occasions when the Whitby students have visited us.
The time spent with an English family is, for most pupils, the first time ever alone where no one speaks their native language. You gain a new awareness as you realize that all the time spent studying English has finally born fruit; the locals actually understand what I say and what I mean!
Musical development comes from meetings, meetings between different ages, cultures, sexes and instruments. It is profound to be allowed to take part in the process where the students, in a very short time span, learn to perform music together and in the end are able to do so publicly in concert.
Being a teacher at heart I still get overwhelmed by how much our children know about things far beyond my horizons, a treasure of knowledge revolving around musical genres, fashion, computer communities and so forth. It is my conviction that the combination of traditional school work and educational profiles such as art and music gives birth to an interest in learning, encompassing all subjects, leading to an excitement regarding knowledge that can only be looked upon with great respect.
Thank you for having us Whitby!
Annika Kummel
Head of Nordhemsskolan
The time spent with an English family is, for most pupils, the first time ever alone where no one speaks their native language. You gain a new awareness as you realize that all the time spent studying English has finally born fruit; the locals actually understand what I say and what I mean!
Musical development comes from meetings, meetings between different ages, cultures, sexes and instruments. It is profound to be allowed to take part in the process where the students, in a very short time span, learn to perform music together and in the end are able to do so publicly in concert.
Being a teacher at heart I still get overwhelmed by how much our children know about things far beyond my horizons, a treasure of knowledge revolving around musical genres, fashion, computer communities and so forth. It is my conviction that the combination of traditional school work and educational profiles such as art and music gives birth to an interest in learning, encompassing all subjects, leading to an excitement regarding knowledge that can only be looked upon with great respect.
Thank you for having us Whitby!
Annika Kummel
Head of Nordhemsskolan
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